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Organizational Structure

The Executive Committee (EC) is the ACA's governing body, and provides strategic direction, general guidance and oversight to the ACA Secretariat. The EC meets twice per year, and is elected for 2 year terms by the ACA membership. The EC consists of five cashew stakeholders from African cashew-producing countries, and 2 representatives from international businesses investing in cashew processing or buying a significant amount of cashew kernels from Africa.

The Advisory Board consists of delegates from organizations providing more than USD 50,000 of funding per year. The Board has voting rights regarding the use of the ACA funds, and provides guidance on ACA programming.

The Secretariat manages program development and implementation, and is responsible for the ACA's day-to-day operations including activities, event management, marketing, communications, elections, membership and fundraising.

The Steering Committee is responsible for presenting proposals and country-specific information to the EC and the Secretariat. It consists of National Representatives elected by ACA National Committees for three-year terms, and meets with both the EC and the Secretariat once a year.

The National Committees consist of stakeholders from each cashew-producing country in Africa. Their role is to disseminate information on relevant cashew developments, promote the ACA to policymakers and donors, and to each elect two National Representatives to participate in the Steering Committee. Depending on the country, National Committees are either specifically established for this purpose, or are formed on the basis of existing national structures.

ACA Members are individuals or private or public institutions involved in the cashew sector, who pay an annual membership fee. Every two years, ACA members elect the Executive Committee. To find out more information about the benefits of being a member, visit our membership page.
