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19th ACA Annual Cashew Conference and Expo officially launched in Tanzania

WhatsApp Image 2025-01-31 at 12.31.05 AM


Accra, 31st January 2025: The 19th African Cashew Alliance (ACA) Annual Cashew Conference and Expo has been officially launched today in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The Conference will be held from Tuesday 18th to Saturday 22nd November 2025 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on the theme, Unlocking Cashew Investment Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Growth.

Over 400 local and international participants comprising of actors and stakeholder of the global cashew industry from over 33 countries are expected to attend the Conference.

This will be the third time in its history and the first in six years that Tanzania will be hosting the cashew world, previously doing so in 2008 and 2019. Tanzania will therefore join Benin and Mozambique as the only countries to have hosted the ACA Conference three times.

This year’s Conference will be held in partnership with the Tanzanian Ministry of Agriculture through the Cashew nuts Board of Tanzania (CBT), and the Tanzania Association of Cashew Processors (TACP) with support from the European Union (EU), the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the GIZ/MOVE Project.

Speaking at the official launch of the Conference on Friday, Managing Director of the ACA, Ernest Mintah, described the 2025 ACA Annual Cashew Conference in Tanzania as a return to the roots of the African cashew industry,” highlighting that there is today a cashew industry in Africa worths millions of dollars and serving as a source of livelihood to millions of households because countries like Tanzania saw great potentials in cashew many years ago and invested heavily in it.

Conference theme

The ACA Conference has always been around a central theme developed after a thorough procedure to reflect the realities and address major challenges confronting the global cashew industry. The last six editions of the ACA Cashew Conference have sought to get all cashew industry players to look at the industry beyond simply producing and selling RCNs, processing and exporting kernels today. But most importantly, to reflect and commit to building a sustainable cashew industry for the future.

Therefore, in the same spirit of sustainability, the 19th ACA Annual Cashew Conference and Expo will be on the theme, Unlocking Cashew Investment Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Growth. This year’s Conference will highlight the important need to strategically invest in areas such as research, human capacity development, policy directives innovations and technology, traceability, food safety among others in the cashew industry to propel sustainable growth.

There will be series of presentations, thematic forum discussions, workshops and information sessions featuring seasoned cashew experts, analysts, industry players and development partners on important issues of sustainability in the Cashew industry. There will also be the usual business to business meetings organized and facilitated by the ACA to help with building and sustaining partnerships and an industry exhibition of cashew products, innovations, and technologies.

Registration and participation

Registration for participation, exhibition, and business to business meetings at the 19th ACA Annual Cashew Conference and expo has started. The ACA is therefore calling on all industry players in Tanzania, Africa and across the globe to visit the ACA website, https://africancashewalliance.com/en/form/aca-conference-registration-2025 to register.

The good news is that participants from Tanzania get to register at reduced conference rates. There is also a registered Airtel merchant number that local participants can easily register through “wakala”. The number is 14016996 and the name is Tanzania Cashew Conference 2025. Alternatively, payment can be made to the NMB Bank number 24110012721 with the name Tanzania Cashew Conference 2025.  This is to allow for as many local industry players as possible to participate in this year’s conference.

Sponsors and partners

The ACA is calling on corporate organizations, development projects and all organizations and companies in Tanzania and beyond to partner and sponsor. Corporate organizations who wish to sponsor the 19th ACA Annual Cashew Conference and Expo can reach out to the ACA or the Cashew nuts Board of Tanzania on +233 24 566 0869 or +255 78 456 0715 for discussion.

The ACA uses this opportunity to express profound gratitude to its key partners: the Tanzanian Ministry of Agriculture, the Cashew nuts Board of Tanzania, and the Tanzania Association of Cashew Processors (TACP) who have shown great commitment to hosting the cashew world in Tanzania once again. Great appreciation to all the institutions who are represented on the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and the individuals who have accepted to work together with the ACA to deliver one of the best ACA Cashew Conferences in November 2025.

Special gratitude to the European Union (EU), the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and GIZ/MOVE who have been key sponsors of the last two editions of the ACA Conference.

About the ACA Annual Cashew Conference and Expo

Since its inception, the ACA Annual Cashew Conference and Expo has over the past 18 years and editions served as a unique gathering of cashew actors and stakeholders from all over the world, providing the all-important platform to discuss industry challenges and opportunities, find solutions, project into the future and strategize for the growth of the cashew industry. More importantly, every year at the ACA Conference, cashew industry actors and stakeholders renew their commitment to building a sustainable African cashew industry that delivers globally competitive, value-added products and secures profitability for all actors’’.

As an international cashew industry alliance, the ACA is proud that through its annual conference and many other events, it continues to create the necessary platforms and conditions that foster partnership, advocacy, market linkages, global networking, knowledge and experience sharing and investment into the cashew industry for sustainable growth.

The previous 18 editions of the ACA Annual Cashew Conference and Expo have been hosted by the following countries: Benin for 3 times, Cote d’Ivoire twice, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique for 3 times, Nigeria, Senegal, and Tanzania twice and twice online.

The last edition was held in Cotonou, Benin in September 2024. For more information on the ACA Annual Cashew Conference and Expo, visit the ACA website

About ACA

The African Cashew Alliance was established in 2006 as an association of African and international businesses with an interest in promoting a globally competitive African cashew industry. Today, nearly 130 member companies work under the ACA banner and represent all aspects of the cashew value chain, including producers, processors, traders, and international buyers.

Our vision

A sustainable African cashew industry that delivers globally competitive, value-added products and secures profitability for all actors.

Our mission

To create a platform for accelerating growth and investments in the African cashew industry through partnerships, advocacy, market linkages, technical support, and global networking.

For more information on ACA, please visit our website  www.africancashewalliance.com

For publicity and media relations, contact Isaac Piyuori +233 54 483 9579 or ipiyuori@africancashewalliance.com





